
How to quickly install netcdf---discussed again
王训 2015-1-29 00:58
A most easy way as following: (1) git clone git://git.as.harvard.edu/bmy/GEOS-Chem-Libraries (2) revised the install.h in the downloaded file (3) the final install.h should be like the attachment (4) ./install.h (5) Noting: Beauce all libraries are staticly installed, ...
3481 次阅读|没有评论
nco adrress
热度 1 王训 2014-5-5 15:42
3064 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
王训 2014-3-22 23:26
http://www.chemistry.mcmaster.ca/faculty/mccarry/MetCor.html http://code.google.com/p/metcor/
11302 次阅读|没有评论
pscf by arcgis
王训 2014-3-18 15:37
(1) create the fishnet (2) join the point to fishnet. click the fishnet to choose the joins and relates/join/join data from anther layer based on spatial location (3) join the M ij and N ij tables togother. (4) calculate the M ij /N ij (5) seelect the shapfile by Analysis tools/extract acoo ...
3742 次阅读|没有评论
mercury inventory
王训 2013-12-5 23:51
here is a mercury inventory available from AMAP: http://www.amap.no/mercury-emissions I also recommend ECCAD for searching for global inventory data: http://eccad.sedoo.fr
2589 次阅读|没有评论
argcis 如何去除不规则区域的nodata
王训 2013-11-22 17:53
用Arcgis 做raster的空间分析,发现raster里出现几个不规则区域的nodata,采用如下方法: (1) editor 中 描出不规则区域以及大于或等于raster区域的矩形的线要素 (2) 线要素转化成面要素,其中最大矩形的值设为-9999,其他的设置成相应的值 (3)面要素转化raster (4)启用栅格计算器,把刚刚生产的raster ...
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