据英国巴斯大学(University of Bath)2025年3月20日提供的消息,研究人员确定了以前无法治疗的癌症目标的有希望的候选药物 (Researchers identify promising drug candidates for previously ’undruggable’ cancer target)。
科学家们首次发现了有希望的候选药物,这些药物可以与一种众所周知的无法治疗的癌症蛋白目标不可逆地结合,永久地阻断它。(For the first time scientists have identified promising drug candidates that bind irreversibly with a notoriously “undruggable” cancer protein target, permanently blocking it.)
英国巴斯大学生命科学系(Department of Life Sciences, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK)研究人员已经开发出一种不可逆的转录因子cJun(transcription factor cJun)抑制剂,它能驱动某些难以治疗的癌症。转录因子(Transcription factors)是一类蛋白质,作为基因活性的主开关,在癌症的发展中起着关键作用。多年来,设计小分子药物来阻断它们的尝试在很大程度上是不成功的,所以近年来,科学家们开始探索使用肽(小的蛋白质片段)来阻断这些“不可用药”的目标( "undruggable" targets)。
现在,巴斯大学的研究人员首次详细介绍了一种方法,该方法发现了一种在细胞内选择性和不可逆地结合的肽,这种肽永久地阻断了一种称为cJun的驱动癌症的转录因子。相关研究于2025年3月17日已经在《高级科学》(Advanced Science)杂志网站发表——Andrew Brennan, Scott Lovell, Keith W Vance, Jody M Mason. An Intracellular Peptide Library Screening Platform Identifies Irreversible Covalent Transcription Factor Inhibitors. Advanced Science, First published: 17 March 2025. DOI: 10.1002/advs.202416963.https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202416963
研究人员使用了一种新的药物发现筛选平台技术,称为转录阻断生存(Transcription Block Survival简称TBS)测定,该技术可以测试大量肽来关闭驱动癌症的转录因子。
这项研究的第一作者、巴斯大学生命科学系(University of Bath’s Department of Life Sciences)的研究员安迪·布伦南博士(Dr Andy Brennan)说:“这种抑制剂的作用有点像鱼叉,它向目标发射,不会松手,它紧紧地抓住cJun,阻止它与DNA结合。我们之前发现了可逆抑制剂,但这是我们第一次成功地用肽抑制剂不可逆地阻断转录因子。”
为了进行转录阻断存活试验(Transcription Block Survival assay),研究人员将cJun的结合位点插入实验室培养的细胞中的一个基本基因中。当cJun与基因结合时,它会阻止基因发挥作用,导致细胞死亡。相反,如果cJun被肽抑制剂阻断,则基因活性恢复,细胞存活。
英国巴斯大学生命科学系生物化学教授、Revolver Therapeutics公司的CSO乔迪·梅森(Jody Mason)说:“许多在体外有效的候选药物被证明是有毒的,或者根本不能穿透癌细胞。然而,我们的平台直接在细胞中筛选肽活性,克服了基于小分子或抗体的药物面临的许多共同挑战。筛选检查抑制剂在真实细胞环境中的活性,包括蛋白酶和其它有时会干扰肽活性的蛋白质,同时也检查其毒性。我们希望这项技术能够在未来发现其它有希望的候选药物,用于以前无可用药的目标(’undruggable’ targets)。”
这项研究的部分资金由英国医学研究理事会(MR/T028254/1/MRC_/Medical Research Council/United Kingdom)和英国生物技术与生物科学研究理事会(BB/X001849/1/BB_/Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council/United Kingdom; BB/T018275/1/BB_/Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council/United Kingdom)提供。
Scientists discover irreversible peptide inhibitors for undruggable cancer target
The development of an intracellular peptide library screening platform is described to identify covalent transcription factor (TF) antagonists. The Transcription Block Survival (TBS) assay and subsequent hit refinement previously produced potent but reversible antagonists of the oncogenic TF cJun. TBS moves beyond a target binding readout to ensure loss of TF function by blocking TF-DNA binding. Here, the TBS methodology is significantly expanded to identify covalent and highly selective inhibitors. A 131,072-member library is probed containing a Cys option at nine positions within a non-reducing cell line. This identified a single Cys residue with the appropriate geometry for disulphide bond formation with cJun C269 in its DNA binding domain. The selection of a unique Cys in the antagonist indicates both target shutdown and concomitant disulphide formation in a single step, resulting in increased potency. Substituting Cys with an electrophile generates an irreversible yet highly selective covalent cJun inhibitor capable of penetrating human melanoma cells in culture and depleting oncogenic cJun levels to inhibit cell viability, with enhanced efficacy compared to a previous cJun-targeting peptide. This enhanced covalent-TBS screening pipeline provides a robust approach to profile target protein surfaces for ligandable cysteines, producing covalent and selective antagonists with appropriately positioned warheads.
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