


已有 6326 次阅读 2011-7-4 10:20 |系统分类:教学心得| 英文单词

Figuration of English Words in Outlook and Sound--------------------------

invented by Dr Bernie Yaping Zong and published on 22th Sept., 2009



to explain the list of meanings of letters and letter groups. If you put all letters in brackets and even a few words in an example sentence you will get the word it is describing.


a, one or first;

applauseplausive: if one more(a) plausive expressions, you do applause.

  arise—rise, amain—main, attempt—tempt, amaze—maze, alike--like.


b, be;

ruby is a thing being(by) red(ru).

sociable means to lead(le) being(b) so a circulation(ci) among people.


c, cut;

electricity is a thing to lead(le) cut(c) along(tri) based on circulated(ci) principle=theory(ty) cannot see=elude(e). 


d, do;

maid is one having done(d) poorly=ill(i) many(ma).

good means to go and do skilly=roundly(o).


e, elude;

free is to elude(e) away from all worries=fragiles(fre).

economics is a difficult=eluded(e) theory(cs) on how to cooperate(co) with no milk(mi).


f=fa, face;

façade is a thing which do(de) capture(ca) a building on face(fa).

fake is a thing not true =same only on face(fa) in measurement(ke).


g, big;

giant is a one like an ant but huge big(gi).

gag is a thing shown(ga) big(g) but not.


h, honey;

she is good because honey(h) is added between bad(s) and elude(e).

touch can be=lead to a very harmful= down(u) cut(c) if without honey mind(h).


i, ill;

       deceive is to do(de) something(ce) making a bad(i) change(ve).

       Loiter is to load(lo) an ill(i) teach repeatedly(r) on you.



j, javelin;

join is to pierce=javeline(jo) into(in) somewhere.

joke is to attack=javeline(jo) someone measurably and mildly(ke).


k, measure;

key is a thing able to measure(ke) effect even if simple=young(y).

king is one unable(n) to measure(ki) how big(g) he is. 


l, straight line up;

mall has many(ma) straight(l) buildings(l).

tell is to put straight(l) away a story=theory(te) to one(l).


m, middle;

       Sober to somber: if someone is sober in middle body of heart, he is somber.

       Pump is to punch(pu) something in the middle(m) to raise up to another plane(p). 


n, narrow or not;

tend means in teach(te) but not do(nd) yet. 

blank is a thing no(n) colour black(bla k) and even no any color at all.                     


o, round ;

       thermomechanical is a combination of therm and mechanical by a ring(o).

oath is a word=theory(th) heavy and round(o).


p, plane;

       creep is to elude(e) no see naturally(cre) on a ground=plane(p).

stump is a thing cut away=escape(stu) in middle(m) but retained on ground=plane(p).  


q=qu, separate.

       Quarter is a thing obtained by separating(qua) one(ter) and again(r).

       Quiet means when everyone is separated(qui) shortly=small(et).


r, again or back;

       repeat is permanent(pe) at a thing and again(re). 

       recede is to do(de) back(re) a bit(ce).


s, bad or more;

smother means you do a thing bad(s) not following your mother’s educations.

Pet to pest; if your pet is added some feature really bad(s), it becomes pest.

Wipe to swipe; will to swill; well to swell and word to sword.


t, old;

       lot means having to load(lo) long time(t).

       art is a thing needing long time(t) practice and repeat(t).


u, down;      

       hound is one living down(u) a home(ho) doing(d) nothing(n).

       alumna are the all(al) who join down(u) in middle(m) of a group according to an narrow(na) criterion.


v, venom;

       lavish is an ill(i) venom alike(sh) if lasting(la) long.

       Envy is a venom(v) especially for youth if you do(en).

w, wave.

       Welcome means to wave(we) your arms on straight standing body(l) to comers(come).

       Wobble is to be(bb) leaded(le) waving(wo).


x, cross.

       Boxing is a sport by body(bo) crossing(xing).

       Text is a teach(te) in letters=cross(x) for long time(t).


y, youth as a consonant;

       toy means something given to children(y).

y, y=i or e as a vowel.

       dysentery is caused by doing(dy=de) badly(s ) to enter ill(y=i) into you.


z, last.

       Zero means the remainder rotating (ro) a container empty at last (ze).

       Lazy means to be last(la) last(z) one if you has been lazy since young(y).


ab, away;

absent is to be away(ab) from sent and is an antonym of present because the ab is to negate the pre.

Abstract is to track(tra) out a tell(ct) not(s) away(ab) from the article.


ac, accept or push;

accede is to accept(ac) a done(de) bit(ce) contrast to recede and concede.

Academy is a place to push(aca) my theory done(de).


ad, advance;

adjust is to advance(ad) just as well as adhere and adverb.

Adapt is to advance in order to fit=pack(pt) in.


ae, air;

aerate is to air(ae) something in a rate.

aerie is a thing high=bend(ri) elusively(e) in air(ae). 


an=anti, against;

ant is somebody existing against(an) time(t).

angry means against(an) to mixture(gry) with anybody.


ar, arch;

arbitrate is to explain=track(tra) reasons=theory(te) for two(bi) hard parties=arches(ar) to settle a disagreement.

Arc is a thing in shape of arch(ar) to cut anything.


as, like;

asterisk is a thing as a notice=theory(te) to remind risk.


au, self;

Automobile is a thing that can move(mobile) itself(auto).


ba, base;

baby is(by) the base(ba).

back is some where can afford=base(ba) weight=tap=measured cut(ck).



belittle is just being(be) little.

below is just being(be) low.

bellow is being(be) straight(l) low in voice.


bi, two;

bible is a thing to lead(le) a double(bi) value=be(b).

bicycle is a thing with two(bi) wheels(cycle).


bio, living;

biology deals with generating(gy) and loading(lo) life(bio).


bl, blood;

blame is to blood(bla) at me.

black is a color of blood(bla) when cut(ck).


bo, body;

book is a body(bo) that is always OK for anybody.

boss is somebody(bo) who is much(s) bad(s) to pepole.


br, support;

brace is to reinforce=support(bra) a bit(ce) more.

brake is a thing as a security=support(bra) in some way=measure(ke).


bu, bull;

buff is a thing with the color or even skin(ff) of a bull(bu).

bubble means to lead(le) being(b) enlarged like a bull(bu) to blow up.


ca, capture;

cat is a thing to capture(ca) preys existing for long time(t).

cage is a thing to generate(ge) a capture(ca). 


ce=centi, bit;

cell is a thing straight(ll) small=bit(ce)

cereal is a thing with many real small pieces(ce).



chew is to cut(che) repeatedly up and down = wave(w).

chemical is a thing to cut(che) straightly(l) in a liquid= milk(mi) to capture(ca) thing.


ci, circle;

circus is many(s) performances=cuts(cu) with a circle(cir) stage.

cite is to circulate(ci) a theory(te).


ck, cut measurably;

knock is a measurable cut(ck) but with a knob(kno) on a hard surface.

lock is to load(lo) a cut(c) in a measure(k).


cl=cr, green;

clay is a thing in its freshly=yong(y) most natural=green(cla) way.

Crack is a natural(cra) cut(ck).


com=con=co=col, together;

comrade is one together(com) to do(de) something rough(ra).

communicate is to capture(ca) a strange=nick(ni) theory(te) together(com) mutually=infectly(mu).

cooperate is to operate together(co).  


ct, tell;

       tactics means to follow=tail(ta) rules(s) of scientific(ic) tells(ct).


cu, cumulative;

culture is a thing cumulated(cu) and repeated(re) straightly(l) to turn(tu) out.

Cucumber is a thing being(be) shaped by cutting(cu) the middle(m) repeatedly(r) into round and then by cumulating the round along length. 


da, daily;

dad is one doing(d) every day=daily(da).

dairy is to repeat(ry) daily(da) dull=ill(i) work.



decide is to do(de) after many=circulate(ci) thought=do(de).

decode is to do(de) out from a code.


di, enlarge;

digest is to enlarge(di) food in order to generate(ge) out=away(st) energy.

diagonal is a line(l) enlarged(di) a go any possible within=narrow(na) a figure.


dis, do opposite;

dislike and discover.


dr, draw;

dread is to draw(dre) advance(ad) with difficulty.

drive is to draw(dri) a car in different directions=change(ve).


du, dull;

dusk is a time dull(du) and difficult=bad(s) to measure(k).

dummy is one to do dull(du) central=middle(m) actions like a baby=milk(my).


em=en, do;

enable and encode.

em, emerge;

emit is to emerge(em) it.


ep, long time;

epidemic is a disease(demic) [demic=de(do) cut(c) milk(mi)=disease] for long time(epi).

episode is a story(sode) [sodo=so do(de)=strory] happened long time(epi) ago.


el=et, small;

etch is to cut(ch) with small(et) pits.

pixel is a picked(pi) cross(x) very tiny(el).

facet is small(et) surface(fac=fa).


ex, out of;

external is out side(ex) of something(ternal) [teral=straight(l) narrowed(na) its own terms(ter)=something].

express is to press out(ex) by your words.


fe=fi, finance;

fee is the money(fe) paid away=elude(e).

female is the one(male) who spend and administrate money(fe).


fl, fly;

flag is a big cloth(g) fling(fl) with wind.

flight is to fly(fl) long time(t) with a ghostly power(gh). 


fo=pr, front;

follow is to come straightly(l) behind(low) the front(fo).

forearm is the arm in much(re) front(fo).


fr, frail;

free is a thing frail(fre) and elude(e).

fragile is a thing leading(le) a gift(gi) of delicate=frail(fra).


ft, fresh;

craft is a native gift(cra) used now=freshly(ft).

draft is a thing made=draw(dra) freshly(ft).


fu, full;

fuel is a thing small(el) but full energy(fu).

fume is a thing can fill me fully(fu).


ga, showy;

gain is to show(ga) in as possession.

game is a thing to show(ga) me.


ge=geo, generate;

gene is a thing with nerves(ne) from inherit=generation(ge).

Geology is a science(logy) of earth generation(geo).


gh=ph, ghost;

ghetto is somewhere ghosts(ghe) to visit.

ghoul is a ghost(gho) to go straight(l) down(u).


gi, gift;

girl is a gift(gi) from god directly(rl).

gilt is a process used to make gifts(gi) for straightly(l) long time(t).


gl, glow;

glory is a thing glowing(glo) sparks everywhere=repeat(ry=re).

glacier is a thing shining=glowing(gla) in circulating(ci) light=something(er) even if not hot enough to glow.


gr, mixture;

       graft means two plants=fresh(ft) in a mixture(gra).

grey=gray is a mixture(gray) originally=yong(y) in color.


gu, introduce;

guest is one introduced(gue) to others then go=escape(st).

guide is to do(de) introductions(gui) with a way in companion.


ha, hard;

hand is a thing nothing=no(n) hard(ha) to do(d).

hate comes from hard(ha) teaches(te).


he=hi, health;

heart is a thing of art for health(he).

high is where ghost(gh) keep health(hi). 


ho, home;

hope is a thing home(ho) giving you permanently(pe).

horse is the one can select(se) repeatly(r) way to home(ho).


hu, hurry;

hunger is a thing not(n) hurry(hu) to generate(ge) again(r).

hurt is a thing happened because before=back(r) a time(t) when you were too hurry(hu). 


il=im=in=ir=en, into as verbal; or not as adjective.

       Inflame means to be into(in) flame to become a verb.

infamous means not(in) famous or good reputation to become an adjective.


kn, knob;

knight is a giant=knob(kni) as strong as a ghost(gh) long ago(t).

knot is a thread knob(kno) hold for long time(t). 


la, last;

lack is to cut(c) long time=last(la) with measure(k) so that not nothing.

land is a thing last(la) long but no(n) change=do(d).


le, lead;

       sidle means to lead(le) a side(sid) walk.

leave is to lead(le) a change(ve).


li, linear;

light is a thing linear(li) long=old(t) but no see like ghost(gh).

life is a thing to spend money(fe) all way linearly(li). 


lo, load;

lock is to load(lo) a cut(c) in a way skill=measure(k).

loose is a rope thing in a way loaded(lo) a selected(se) loop=round ring(o) in middle. 


lu, lure;

lush is a thing to lure(lu) everyone likely(sh).

lucky is a thing with a luring(lu) cut(c) wishful(ky).


ma, many;

main is a thing with many(ma) in it.

majestic is to kill=javelin(je) many(ma) without=escape(st) any reasons=theory(ic).


me, meaningful;

meter is a teller(ter) to test meanings(me).  

menu is a list with core(nu) items meaningful(me).


mi, milk;

microbe is a thing like=be(be) natural(cro) bits so small in milk(mi).

mist is a thing like escaped(st) milk(mi) steam.  


mo, less;

       molecule is a thing which can not=less(mo) be leaded(le) to be(le) cut(cu) smaller.

mother is one(er) who has less(mo) theory(th) but nature.


mu, infect;

       muscle is a thing to lead(le) scrapes(sc) infectively(mu). 

music is to infect(mu) people in a silly(si) cut(c) way.



name is a thing narrowing(na) to only me.

native is a narrowing(na) culture ticked(ti) only by a group of people.  


ne, nerve;

       news is a thing to cause your nerves(ne) exciting=waving(w).

net is a thing in a shape like nerves in your body long(t).


ni, nick;

       niece is a person(ni) with a eluded(e) bit(ce) kin with you.

nit is a strange animal(t) existing for a long time(t).


nt, adjective;

       constant means not(n) escaping(sta) together(con) in adjective format(nt).


nu, core;    

       nude is to do(de) your core(nu) without any clothes.

nutrition is the things tracing(tri) to the core(nu) in any matter.


ob=o or not ;

       obscene means not(ob) a scene but ugly.

obese is to select(se) being(be) heavy and round(o). 


op, open;

       option is a tick(ti) on for you freely = openly(op).

opera is an eluded(e) thing opened(op) to anybody but require a pay=rough(ra).


or, order;

       orphan is one in an order(or) like an ghost(ph).

ornament is to put in order(or) meaning(me) nothing long(nt) but narrow(na). 


pa, park;

       parent is ones who park(pa) and share rent together.

pass is not=bad(s) to park(pa) and to go away without even a hesitation=bad(s).


pe, permanent;

       peace is to take only a little=bit(ce) permanently(pe).

pedel is to stand=do(de) straight up(l) permanently(pe) so on foot.


ph=gh, noble;

       philosophy is a thing elegantly(phi) to load(lo) so much elegance(phy).

phone is a thing to happy your nerves(ne) so much=elegant(pho).


pi, pick;

       pin is not(n) to pick(pi) up but to fix.

pig is one to pick(pi) up all things=big(g).


pl, yield;

       play is to yield or to behave(pla) yourself like a youth(y).

please is your feeling when one(a) selecting(se) to yield(ple).


po, post;

       poise is to select(se) being like an ill(i) post(po).

       Poor is the one who may post(po) oneself or protest. 


pr=fo, previous;

       propose means to present something previously selected to post. 

       Predict means to tell something of double ensured opinion in advance. 


pt, pack;

       tempt is to teach(pe) central point=middle(m) in packed(pt) way so not clear.


pu, punch.

       Pupil is a thing punched(pu) an image in it picked(pi) directly(l) from yourself.

       Punish is to punch(pu) one(ni) alike(sh).


ra, rough;

       race is to be rough(ra) a little(ce).

       Rare: rough(ra) means not mamy, if rough again(re) it is rare.


ri, bend;

       risk is to bend(ri) terribly(s) to measure(k) strength.

       Rib is a thing being(b) bent(ri).


ro, rotation;

       road is a thing rotating to advance long.

       Room can be used to rotate(ro) round(o) in its central=middle(m) floor.


ru, red.

       Ruby is a thing being(by) red(ru).

       Rude is to do(de) red(ru).


sa, save;

       sale is to lead(le) to save(sa) money for both seller and customer.

       Same means to save(sa) one just me alike.


sc, scrape;

       sculpture is a thing scraped(scu) on a plane(p) straightly(l) to turn(tu) it out again(re).

       scar is a thing from scraping(sca) again(r).


se, select;

       sea may be your first(a) selection(se) for any resources. 

       Seat: if you select(se) at it you will seat on it.


sh, similar as sufix;

       fish offers you like(sh) money(fi).

       Publish is(b) like(sh) a punch(pu) linearly(li) to your embarrassment.


sh, cover as prefix;

       shame is a feeling I like to cover(sha) me up.

       Shelter is a thing to cover(she) one(ter) directly(l).


sk, surface;

       sky is a surface on your far top.

       Skill is to tip(l) a stick(l) on a surface(ski).


si, silly;

       sick comes from your silly(si) cuts(ck).

       Side out means you do(de) a silly(si) choice.


sl, slow;

       slack is a slow(sla) cut(ck) of life style.

       Sloth is a believing(th) of slow(slo) life.


sm=sn, scheme;

       smart means to scheme(sm) artly(art).

       Snake is a thing with sly=scheming(sna) measures(ke).


so, sorrow;

       SOS means there is a terrible(s) sorrow(so).

       Sole may lead(le) sorrow(so).


sp, spread;

       sprout is a thing spread(sp) out again(r).

       spoon is a thing you use it to spread(spo) food on it.


st, escape;

       stem is a thing escaping(ste) its middle(m) from soil.

       Stone is a thing hard without=escape(sto) nerves(ne).


su(w, y), swim;  

       submarine is to marine in being(b) second way[first way is land and second way is water(su)].

       Sweat is water(sw) at your body.

       Symphony is a sound(phony) in middle(m) of water(sy)= to make a same.


ta, tail;

       tag is a thing tailing(ta) to something big(g).

       talk is to last=tail(ta) with straight(l) skill=measure(k).


te, teach;

       temple is a floor=plane(p) on its middle(m) to lead(le) a teach(te).

       Tense is a feel to afraid that your teach(te) is not(n) selected(se).


th, theory;

       theme is a teach(the) of me.

       Theology a theory(the) loaded(lo) and generated(gy) around(o) from the God.


ti, tick;

       tip is to tick(ti) up on a plane(p).

       time is a thing to tick(ti) me as by clicks from clock.


to, lump;

       torso is a lump which limps and head are excluded in order to lump again(r).  

       tomb is a lump(to) being(b) filled in middle(m).


tr=tra, track;

       trade is to do(de) tracking(tra) both goods and money.

       Treason is to track(tre) one(a) your son wrong.


tu(w, y), turn;

       Tube is a thing formed by being(be) turned(tu) it both inside and outside.

       Twist is to turn(twi) shape away=escape(st).

       Tyrant is one never(n) too old(t) to turn(ty) anything rough(ra).


va=ve, vary;

       larva is one changed(va) a lot repeatedly(r) during growing=lasting(la).

       Involve is to change(ve) into(in) a scheme by volunteering=straight(l) voicing(vo).


vi, vision;

       visit is to view=vision(vi) silly long time(l) any things.

       Vigilant means to a lasting(la) vision(vi) on a gift(gi) no(n) longer being.


vo, voice.

       Vocal means to capture(ca) your direct(l) idea by voice(vo).

       Vomit is a thing like old(t) milk(mi) to block voice(vo).


Examples of rules

Vowels are not very important but consonants i.e. a consonant group has a same meaning no matter whether a vowel is added or not so that words are same meaning if the only difference between them is the vowel:

Snap=snip; snob=snub; thresh=thrash.


The same as in Etymology books found so far:

Pupil is a thing punched(pu) an image in it picked(pi) directly(l) from yourself. 

Recruit is one joining it repeatedly(re) and voluntarily(cru).

Vinegar is a wine(vine) with a sharp(gar) flavor.

Ace is a small unite(ce) as a standard(a).

Book is a body(bo) of wood OK to script on it.


Do you feel all my examples like codes? Yes. However, if you can decode them you have remembered thousands of thousands words in enjoyment.

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