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Galway_2012 ~~

上传于 2012-6-22 17:06 (144 KB)

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IP: 46.7.101.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2012-6-22 17:07
Dear UCD Student,
Our much anticipated new UCD Student Centre and Sport & Fitness Complex will open on Monday 25th June. The business plan for the facility includes external membership income and in order to facilitate this, 200 car park spaces are being reserved for Sport and Fitness members.
These spaces will be provided in the commuting facilities, which are part funded by the UCD Student Centre and Sport & Fitness Complex, once they are built. However, in the interim a new car park at the rear of the UCD Student Centre and Sports & Fitness Complex building (currently under construction) and two parking bays in car park 2, the O’Reilly Hall car park, are being designated for Sport & Fitness Complex members.
These spaces are for registered cars only and will be policed by automatic number plate recognition (ANPR). Vehicles found parked in these spaces that are not registered with UCD Sport and Fitness as approved members’ cars will be clamped. These areas will be clearly signposted “UCD Sport & Fitness Registered Vehicles Only”.
Your cooperation with this interim arrangement is very much appreciated.
Traffic and Commuting Office
IP: 46.7.101.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2012-6-22 17:08
耶!    Sport centre在建设了五六年之后,终于开门接客咧!^_^
IP: 46.7.101.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2012-6-23 22:53
IP: 46.7.101.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2012-6-23 22:54
我们身边重要的人越来越少,而留在身边的人越来越重要。丨by:Courtney Jade
IP: 46.7.101.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2012-6-23 22:54
IP: 46.7.101.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2012-6-23 22:55
IP: 46.7.101.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2012-6-23 22:56
IP: 46.7.101.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2012-6-24 02:03



  ——哈佛校长Drew Gilpin Faust给2008年本科毕业生的演讲

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