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上传于 2012-10-18 16:57 (534 KB)

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IP: 137.43.190.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2012-10-18 18:44
BREAKING: Having a Family Can Be Good for Your Career

by Arianna Huffington
President and Editor-in-Chief at The Huffington Post Media Group
October 12, 2012

Anne-Marie cites studies finding that the number of men and women working 50-plus hour weeks is increasing and that our "always on" attitude toward work doesn't necessarily mean more productivity. Quite the opposite, in fact. As one study concludes: "When that time doesn't add a lot of value and comes at a high cost to talented employees, who will leave when the personal cost becomes unsustainable -- well, that is clearly a bad outcome for everyone."

How is that personal cost unsustainable? Let me count the ways.

Women in highly stressful jobs have a nearly 40 percent increased risk of heart disease and heart attacks compared with their less-stressed colleagues.

And women who have heart attacks are almost twice as likely as men to die within a year.

Career-driven women working more than 35-hour weeks are more likely to put on weight, partly because they prioritize work over health matters like sleep, exercise and home-cooked meals.

Women with demanding jobs have a 60 percent greater risk for type 2 diabetes than their less-stressed peers (a link that does not exist for men).

Stress and pressure from high-powered careers can be a factor in the resurgence of eating disorders in women ages 35 to 60.

Women in high-stress jobs are more likely to develop alcoholism than women in low-stress jobs.

Fortunately, in the face of this evidence, there's ample research suggesting that the solutions to our "always on," career-driven lives are within reach. Family can actually be a great thing for your career, by giving us perspective and the ability to be more detached from our working lives' daily ups and downs. Because, hey, we have something better waiting for us at home. Just knowing I'm going to see my daughters at the end of the day puts my whole work day in a different light. Even a phone call from one of my daughters during the day can center me like nothing else. I'm far less likely to get stressed over a setback -- and have you ever had a day without setbacks? Perhaps one day a brilliant scientist -- undoubtedly with a big family -- will come up with a name for this effect, but whatever it is, it has a big impact on things like confidence, mood, and enthusiasm, all of which are great assets in the workplace.

So, here is some of the encouraging research that shows the benefits that family life can have on our careers:

The same Harvard Medical School study that linked job stress to heart disease recommended fostering supportive relationships with family and friends.

A 2010 study from Brigham Young University showed that having children could actually reduce your blood pressure. Attaching blood pressure monitors to more than 200 husbands and wives, researchers there noticed that couples with children had significantly lower blood pressure than those without kids. The effect was even more pronounced among women.
IP: 137.43.190.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2012-10-18 18:44

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