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Louis Brus--哥伦比亚大学--http://www.columbia.edu/cu/chemistry/fac-bios/brus/group/index.html

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IP: 222.26.186.*   redrum 发表了评论   2011-3-20 23:00
Our research is in the physical chemistry of materials, interfaces, nanocrystals, and nanotubes, especially in relation to optical and electronic properties. This work can include theoretical modeling, experimental chemical physics, and synthetic chemistry. We try to understand the size evolution of solid-state properties from molecular properties. We also seek to create new materials with nanoscale structure by both kinetic and thermodynamic self-assembly methods. We specialize in interfacial electron transfer, Electric Force Microscopy and Laser Optical Microscopy for observation of single nano-objects. In the last several years, we have developed interests in transition metal oxide nanocrystals, carbon nanotubes, and in Ag nanocrystals as microscopic antennas for local electromagnetic field enhancement.
IP: 58.155.212.*   redrum 发表了评论   2011-3-29 09:30
Louis E. Brus(美国哥伦比亚大学,Columbia University),发明以及发展量子点(colloidal semi-conductor nanocrystals)。现在量子点的研究非常热,尤其偏向太阳能电池的应用和生物标记,但是可能不是所有人知道Brus 是世界上第一个报道量子点的人(J. Chem. Phys. 1983,79, 1086),该领域值得获奖,但是也取决于量子点应用的程度,如果有大规模商业化应用,得奖的可能性就比较大。也可能会和为该领域的发展作出重要贡献的人一起得奖,比如 加州Berkeley 分校的Paul Alivisatos和MIT的 Moungi G. Bawendi.

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