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ManWu 2015-2-21 15:29

已有 45339 人来访过

I'm afraid the only thing that I can do is reading. 2015-03-27
Dear friends, Welcome to my inner world. It is the second year of my research life. During the past years, I learnt some new knowled ...
《Spring is coming》 2015-03-27
What a pleasure! Spring is coming. The sun at this moment is warmmer than any other time's. Spring breeze kisses my face. ...
English Edition of 《天茫茫兮雪飘》 2015-03-27
The sky looks boundless and indistinct, where snow flakes fall. The Monster Nian is attacking, when people hurry back home. P ...
答钱学森之问 2015-03-22
从本上分,中国的大学分为一本,二本,三本。 从名号上分,中国的大学分为985高校,211高校,非985、211高校。 从主管部门上分,中国的大学分为中国科学 ...
《有为歌》 2015-03-16
萋萋草木兮,空谷轮回。 微微蝼蚁兮,踏于履下。 丈夫无为兮,草蚁何异。 生当无乐兮,死当无眠。
《路》 2015-03-16
一段路 一群人 默然、共度 时已过 境已迁 不再、当年 路啊 不是我走过了你 是你逐渐离我而去 且不舍昼夜


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