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  • 江苏师范大学,副教授

    • 数理科学->物理学II->基础物理学

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hyperchaos 2015-5-29 17:09
hyperchaos 2015-5-29 17:08
hyperchaos 2015-2-18 14:44

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师范生专业教育思考之一 2022-09-27
有一种专业很神圣,却很不专业,叫师范教育专业。 很神圣,大家都认同,论述的著作可以汗牛充栋。 很不专业,但有五花八门的模式、文章、著作、奖项都在试图 ...
一声叹息——我的2012基金评语 2012-09-05
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Predicting Catastrophes in nonlinear Dynamical Systems 2011-05-22
师弟王延博士来组讨论,谈及Wen-Xu Wang等新近之作。 PRL 106, 154101 (2011) Predicting Catastrophes in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems by Compressiv ...
Front reversals, wave traps and twisted spirals 2011-02-28
Front Reversals,Wave Traps, and Twisted Spirals in Periodically Forced Oscillatory Media Oliver Rudzick* and Alexander S. Mikhailov Abstract : A ...
Breathing spiral waves in the CDIMA rection-diffusion system 2011-02-26
Breathing spiral waves in the chlorine dioxide–iodine–malonic acid reaction-diffusion system Igal Berenstein, Alberto P. Muñuzuri, ...
Doppler instability of antispiral waves 2010-10-26
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Computation of the drift velocity of spiral waves 2010-10-24
http://pre.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v81/i6/e066202 Computation of the drift velocity of spiral waves using response functions Abstract: Rotating ...



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